LSTME Busan Branch of LSTM Erlangen e.V.
The Non-profit Promotion Association of the Institute of Fluid Mechanics Erlangen LSTME is recognized as an Affiliate Institute of the Friedrich-Alexander-University (FAU) Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany). As a twin-institute, the German Engineering Research and Development Center LSTME Busan is a branch of LSTME in Busan (South Korea}. It aims at establishing sophisticated engineering research procedures at the highest international level, at fostering cooperation with Korean, European and international partners from industry and research institutes, as well as to offer an well-founded education of PhDs, research students and industrial personnel.
With particular emphasis on the situation in Korean, Germany, Europe and Asia, LSTME Busan pursues the vision to focus in all its activities to meet the needs of individual humans and their societies under the prevailing geopolitical conditions. As humans basically need food/nutrition, pharmaceutical/medical products, sustainable/renewable energy and clean water/nature, contributing to all these field activities defines at the same time the mission of LSTME.
Other than experimental works, LSTME Busan deals with modelling, simulation, diagnosis, prediction, automation and optimization of the corresponding systems and processes. The experimental facilities of LSTME Busan Branch include equipped labs for Fluid Mechanics, Thermo-fluid Dynamics and Combustion, Rheology, Turbomachines, Bio and Food Engineering, Mechanical Process Engineering, Chemical Engineering and a world-wide unique Deep Sea Simulator. For the simulative works not only workstation clusters are available but LSTME Busan also has got access to the Korean High-Performance-Computing Grid.
The consortium

Università di Pisa

RINA Consulting Spa

Fundación CARTIF

R2M Solution


Université De Liège